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Chorus incorrectly interpreted numbers that use a comma for the decimal marker

This problem affects Chorus version number and earlier. If you can, upgrade to Tecplot Chorus 2016 R2 or later ».


Tecplot Chorus has incorrectly interpreted numbers that use a comma for the decimal marker (common in European countries) as not a number (NaN).  This results in values being incorrectly filtered out of plots in Tecplot Chorus.  The problem became apparent when we added “constraint visualization” to the table views in Tecplot Chorus, the result being values that should clearly pass the filters were being marked as a violation (red text).  This issue only affects Linux operating systems running with a locale which uses commas as the decimal marker.


This is an issue with the Linux locale. A workaround is to remove the condition — struck out below — in the Chorus startup script: chorus.sh

Here is the section from the script:

if test “$AppName” = “tec360”; then
# Setup the LC_NUMERIC to “C” so that numeric values use decimal points instead of comma’s. This is
# important for macro language processing where we rely on consistent representation of numbers.