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FieldView Client Unable to Find Saved Restarts

After moving to a different workstation, I can connect via client-server to the system where I was previously doing my post processing, but the FieldView Client is unable to find the restarts I saved while working on that system. How can I use those restarts?

While working in client-server mode, the FieldView Client can only find restarts located on the client computer’s filesystem, and this may not be the same file system as on the server. Here are two different solutions:

  • If your CFD case is on the same server as your restarts: Transfer (ftp, scp, etc.) your restarts from the server to the client. Then, after using Select File.. Data Input.. Choose Server to select your server to read your CFD case from the server without using the Data Input (.dat) restart. Then, restart the visualization by using File.. Open Restart.. Complete, No Data Read.
  • If your CFD case is on a 3rd server: Transfer (ftp, scp, etc.) your restarts from the server to the client. These restarts should work fine if your Client has the same Server Configuration file (.srv) available as what is specfied in the server_config: field of the Data Input (.dat) restart, with the exception of course, of any the “magic” local client-server configurations:
      Local parallel
      Local (Windows x64)

NOTE: Blank server_config: field(s) in a Data Input restart will cause data FieldView Client (not the server) to read the data in “Local Serial (Direct)”, and all pathnames in the restart must be accessible from the Client.