Verifying Surface Normals in Integral Calculations

Problem: How do I verify the direction of my unit surface normal vectors to make the correct integrations? If my surface normals point in an inconsistent direction from one timestep to another, how do I correct the value of my integral? From the User’s Manual: “Integrations involving surface unit normals, such as Mass Flow Rate, and Forces and Moments integration, rely on surface unit normals pointing in a consistent direction. […]

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Fixing Incorrectly Spaced Dashed Lines in EPS Format Export

Problem: When I export an image of my dashed XY plot as a .EPS file, the dash spacing is altered and irregular. Detailed Example Case: When I export the plot to eps file and open it, the patterns of the dashed and dash-dotted lines are inaccurate. The pattern interval is not uniform and sometimes the dot in the dash-dotted line vanishes. These are highlighted in red: Plot before exporting (correct […]

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