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Options File commands


What sort of commands can I put in the Options file for the Reprise License Manager (RLM)? What functionality does it have?


Here are some of the commands you can use in the ISV Options file (tecplot.opt) to control access to Tecplot 360/Focus with some examples mixed in (360 = Tecplot 360).

Reserving licenses:
RESERVE 1 360 USER robert
RESERVE 1 360 HOST mainline
The first line reserves 1 license for the feature known as 360 for the user robert. The second line reserves 1 license of 360 for anyone with hostname mainline.

EXCLUDE 360 USER robert
EXCLUDE 360 GROUP stars1
The first line above prevents robert from using the feature called 360. The second line prevents anyone in the group stars1 from using the feature called 360.

INCLUDE 360 USER robert
INCLUDE 360 HOST mainline
INCLUDE 360 GROUP stars1
The first line allows robert to use 360 on any machine on the network.  The second line allows anyone on the host mainline to use the feature called 360.  The third line allows anyone in the group stars1 to use the feature called 360.

Some other things you can do in the Options file:
MAX 4 360 GROUP stars1 – limits stars1 to 4 users of 360.
TIMEOUT 1800 360 – sets a time limit such that if the product (360 in this case) does not contact the license server for the specified time (1800 seconds in this case) the license of the feature 360 is freed and reclaimed by the vendor daemon.
PRIORITY 7  USER robert – the PRIORITY command allows you to assign a priority to a user or a group or a host. The lower the number the higher the priority.

For more examples and a complete list of the commands you can add to the options file please consult the RLM End-User Manual