How to Show Invisible Frame Borders

Problem: I have multiple frames on the paper and I don’t want frame borders in my export. So I’ve turned off the option Show border in the dialog Frame>Edit Active Frame. At the same time I’d like to see an outline for all invisible frame borders to get a better idea how these frames are positioned and overlap on the page in the 360 EX session. This outline should not […]

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Deleting Geometries in a Layout Template

Question: How does one replace the geometries (shapes, polylines, etc.) already present in a layout when a new data file is loaded into the layout file? Explanation of the Question: I created a layout file from a dataset that contains geometries, such as a relative wind velocity vector or aircraft body axes relative to wind axes. I want to create a template from this layout, but the geometries are now […]

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Linking with frames Apply Settings to all Frames

Problem: I have several frames in my layout and I set the Within Frame Axis Style to be linked. Then I pressed the button for Apply Settings to All Frames. But when I change the label font for one frame te other frames do not change. Solution: Linking on the Between Frames page of the dialog will cause the changes in one frame to apply to all frames. Linking on […]

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