When I use FFMPEG1 to convert a bunch of pngs to a GIF, it produces an ugly GIF (see the example script below and Figure 1). How do you use FFMPEG to convert a series of .png images to a high quality GIF in Windows?
Example script (creates an ugly GIF):
ffmpeg.exe -r 20 -i HighQual_%6d.png -s:v 2152x1914 -f GIF ffmpeg_HighQual.gif
Both FFmpeg and ImageMagick convert2 can create a GIF from a sequence of PNGs.
Method 1: Using FFmpeg
After placing both ffmpeg.exe (found in the Tecplot’s bin directory) and the sequence of PNGs you want to convert into a folder, navigate to that folder in your command line. And complete the following steps:
1a) Create a palette of colors3 from one of your PNG files:
ffmpeg -i HighQual_000024.png -vf palettegen palette.png
1b) Using this palette (palette.png), convert the sequence of PNG images to a GIF:
ffmpeg -r 15 -i HighQual_%6d.png -i palette.png -filter_complex "paletteuse" ffmpeg_generated.gif
You should now have a GIF in your folder called ffmpeg_generated.gif (or whatever you named it). See Figure 2 below for an example:
Method 2: Using ImageMagick convert
Follow these steps to access the convert.exe and produce a convert-generated GIF:
2a) Download ImageMagick for Windows and install, but make sure to add legacy utilities (e.g. convert) while going through the installation wizard (see Figure 3).
2b) Place both convert.exe (found here for example: C:\Program Files\ImageMagick-7.0.8-Q16) and the sequence of PNGs you want to convert into a folder, and navigate to that folder in your command line.
2c) Enter this code into your command line:
convert.exe HighQual_*.png convert_generated.gif
A GIF, such as convert_generated.gif, should now be present in your folder. The convert generated GIF is similar to Figure 2.