I want to change the default colors of the palette.
Call a macro at Tecplot’s startup to overwrite the default colors in the palette.
To do so:
Edit the tecplot.cfg file in Tecplot’s installation directory and include a set of $!BASICCOLOR macro commands to change the palette.
In the palette, each color placeholder is referd to as CUSTOM#, where # is the placeholder number in the palette. For example, to change the first color to black:
$!BASICCOLOR CUSTOM1 {R = 0 G = 0 B = 0}
Alternatively, point to another macro file. We provided one as an example for your convenience:
Simply download and place the nicerbasiccolor.mcr file in Tecplot’s installation directory and add the following line to the tecplot.cfg file:
$!INCLUDEMACRO "|MACROFILEPATH|/nicerbasiccolors.mcr"