Unique Iso-surfaces in Multiple Zones with Equal Variables

Problem: How do I create iso-surfaces, exclusive to each zone, for the same iso-surface variable? As seen in Figure 1, Tecplot 360 will create iso-surfaces in both volume zones for the Mach variable because both zones contain this variable. What can be done if one iso-surface is to be seen in one zone, but not the other zone? Solution: Essentially, this procedure duplicates and renames a variable to each zone […]

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Calculating Average Normal Velocity to Iso-Surface

Problem: How do I calculate the average normal fluid velocity (or any vector variable) going through an iso-surface? Details: Or stated another way, “I am trying to use a vector dot product with unit normal integration to get the average normal velocity through an extracted iso-surface.”  This question originally relates to this scenario, but it can be used for calculating the average flux though a surface for various cases. Solution: […]

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