Unable to run multiple applications with RLM. In case you have already installed RLM for other products.
In the case where RLM is installed previously or separately of Tecplot (i.e., not from the Tecplot website RLM download), one can add the tecplotlm.lic and teclmd.set files to the location of the RLM directory (where the executable rlm.exe is located) to allow both applications to run on the Reprise License Server. Once the files are added to the folder you will need to read/restart the RLM server from the Reprise License Server Administration page (http://localhost:5054/).
Download the teclmd.set file and add it to your RLM directory.
After the server is restarted you can see both applications listed in the status section under the ISV servers.
If an error occurs still, ensure that the ports are appropriately assigned in both the tecplotlm.lic file and the status page of the Reprise License Server Administration page. If the error persists please contact technical support in order to help with this situation.