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Cannot connect to RLM from a different computer (open ports)


The Tecplot or FieldView product can check out a license when running on the same computer as Reprise License Manager (RLM), but not from other computers on the network. How can I open the license manager to other computers?


Certain ports are required to be opened in order to connect and check out a license from RLM. Here are the default port settings:
RLM port: 27100
ISV (Tecplot/FieldView-specific) port: 27101
Web server port: 5054

The RLM and ISV ports are required to be open for a successful connection to RLM. Opening the web server port is only required to make the browser-based administration tool accessible from other computers on the network.
The RLM installation for Windows platforms automatically adds rlm.exe to the Windows firewall exceptions list (accessible in the Control Panel). Usually no manual configuration is needed.
For Linux/UNIX platforms, consult operating system help resources for information on how to open ports.
Both the RLM and ISV port numbers are defined in the license key file and can be altered by the end user. The RLM port number is defined at the end of the HOST/SERVER line and the ISV port number is defined at the end of the ISV/VENDOR line. The web server port can be defined in a ws flag used in the rlm initialization command:
rlm -ws ####
Where #### is the desired port number.
For more information, please refer to the RLM End-User Manual: