Explanation of Cell-Centered data when using NumPy Arrays in PyTecplot

Problem: In PyTecplot, why is the length of my array of cell-centered data of an IJK ordered zone (Imax)*(Jmax)*(Kmax-1) instead of (Imax-1)*(Jmax-1)*(Kmax-1)? For example, from a zone with 5x4x3 nodal values, I expect my cell-centered variable array to have a length of 4x3x2 = 24; however, the cell-centered variable array has a length of 40, (5x4x2 = 40). In other words: zone.num_elements == 24 len(zone.values(“CellCentered”)) == 40 Shouldn’t these be […]

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Generating Animations One Frame at a Time in Parallel Using PyTecplot

Leveraging Python’s multiprocessing library when paired with PyTecplot scripting creates powerful efficiency. One such example is using multiprocessing to output a large amount of images in parallel. As a result, reducing the time needed to execute. This ParallelImageCreator.py script located in the Tecplot handyscripts GitHub saves every timestep of the active frame as an individual png image. It contains the following arguments: positional arguments: layoutfile Tecplot layout file to open […]

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How do I Install PyTecplot?

First off, PyTecplot requires an installation of Tecplot 360 2017 R1 or later. PyTecplot is also hosted on PyPI so you simply need to run ‘pip install pytecplot’ from a command prompt. Easy as Py! PyTecplot is also included in the Tecplot 360 installation so you can install from there if you have an overzealous firewall or want to ensure the PyTecplot version you’re installing is guaranteed to be compatible […]

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