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Load Multiple Files at Once with a Macro


I have many files that need to be loaded into Tecplot but loading them all is tedious. I want to load multiple files at once without having to select each individual file.


For files that only differ by a constant, PyTecplot or macro scripts can be configured to load your datasets quickly and accurately. For example, if you have a directory containing many files:

  • file001.plt
  • file002.plt
  • etc.

You can use the following macro script to load these files and even configure them by increments. Simply place the macro file in the directory containing your data, and play it from within Tecplot. You will be prompted for a little information about your data such as the base filename, increment, number of files you want to load, and the number of digits that are contained in the file number.

If the files exist, the script will load and append each one onto your plot. This script could also be edited to fit your workflow specifications.

Download load_files_by_increment.mcr from ourĀ handyscripts GitHub page..