Clip Plane

Problem: I want to perform a clip plane.   Solution: Use a set of macro commands to clip above/below the defined slice.   The macro command related to the clipping of planes is: $!SliceAttributes 1 ClipPlane. It can take the following arguments: AbovePrimarySlice, BelowPrimarySlice, and None. Consider adding these macros to your Quick Macro Panel  for faster access: $!MacroFunction NAME = “Clip above primary slice” ShowInMacroPanel = TRUE $!SliceAttributes 1 ClipPlane […]

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Calculating the Volume of an Iso-Surface

Question: How do I calculate the volume of a completely enclosed iso-surface? Solution: The volume of an iso-surface (no holes in it) may be calculated using 360’s data calculation, alteration and integration features by following these steps: A)   First, create a zone from your iso-surface: Display the iso-surface of choice by going to the side panel and clicking the Iso-Surfaces Details… button. Activate only one iso-surface group and ensure that […]

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Deleting Geometries in a Layout Template

Question: How does one replace the geometries (shapes, polylines, etc.) already present in a layout when a new data file is loaded into the layout file? Explanation of the Question: I created a layout file from a dataset that contains geometries, such as a relative wind velocity vector or aircraft body axes relative to wind axes. I want to create a template from this layout, but the geometries are now […]

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How to Trim Triangulations

Question: How do I prevent the triangulation feature from spanning concave regions of my plot with triangles? Solution: Extracted polylines can be used as boundary zones to limit the triangulation. In particular, these polylines can be used to prevent triangles from spanning concave regions during 2D triangulations. The following procedure utilizes these polylines to trim a triangulation of unorganized data to the desired shape: 1) Load the data to be […]

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Derivation of Field Values in Slices and Iso-surfaces

The following discussion assumes the “Source Zone” is a volume zone (IJK, FE-Tetra, FE-Brick or polyhedral). For the most part the type of volume zone does not matter with one exception dealing with polyhedral source zones (see below). The manner for which data values are calculated for slices (or iso-surfaces) does however depend on the following: Value location for variables in the source zone Surface Generation Method (option in the […]

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Unique Iso-surfaces in Multiple Zones with Equal Variables

Problem: How do I create iso-surfaces, exclusive to each zone, for the same iso-surface variable? As seen in Figure 1, Tecplot 360 will create iso-surfaces in both volume zones for the Mach variable because both zones contain this variable. What can be done if one iso-surface is to be seen in one zone, but not the other zone? Solution: Essentially, this procedure duplicates and renames a variable to each zone […]

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Creating Streamtraces on a No-slip Boundary Surface with Multiple Surrounding Volume Zones

Problem: How do I create streamtraces on a no-slip boundary surface with multiple surrounding volume zones? In more detail: In the User’s Manual in the section titled “Surface Streamtraces on No-slip Boundaries”, it describes how to create these surface streamtraces in the context of an ASCII file with one parent (volume) zone. However, if other data file types are used or multiple parent zones, these instructions do not apply. Solution: […]

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Invalid Connectivity Error Message when Slicing

Problem: I receive the following error when trying to create slices in my data: “Invalid Connectivity found when slicing cell ### from source zone #…” Solution: With the new option of Polygonal Slice mesh, which is meant to preserve the original mesh structure, invalid meshes create a bad cell in a slice. This is why the error is appearing. In many cases, the slices can be generated when switching to […]

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Add streamtraces by IJK

Problem: Interactively I can specify streamtrace start positions by giving the IJK location within a zone. How do I do this in a macro? Solution: It is possible to define a streamtrace starting position using IJK coordinates in a macro if you use the $!GETFIELDVALUE command to get the XYZ coordinates for a IJK location. Heres some example macro code: ## These variables define the IJK starting position: $!VARSET |Istart| […]

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