Converting Variables Between Cell Centered and Nodal

Question: How do I convert a cell centered variable to be nodal, or vice versa? Solution: This can be done by creating a new variable in the Specify Equations dialog (Data>Alter>Specify Equations). By using the new var location field, a new variable equal to an existing variable can be created with values stored in either location. For example, say a dataset has a cell centered variable named Velocity: To convert […]

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Tecplot 360 hangs during movie creation when running tec360 in the background

Problem: Tecplot 360 appears to hang at the end of movie generation running ‘tec360 &’ (running 360 in the background). This is a known issue with the FFmpeg executable, which Tecplot 360 uses to create movie files. Solution: Include ‘-nostdin’ to the AVI, WMV, or MP4 Format Options in your tecplot.cfg file to avoid a FFmpeg hang if you’re running tec360 on Linux in the background. For example: $!ExportSetup MPEGFormatOptions […]

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Fix Contour Labels Location

Problem: When exporting a picture, the location of the contour labels changes: Solution: By default the image is rendered off-screen and implies a re-draw of the plot. There are two possible solutions:   1) Prevent the re-positioning of the labels when a redraw occurs: In the Contour Details dialog, in the Labels tab, toggle Generate automatic labels (with each withdraw) off.   2) Prevent the redrawing by using the on-screen […]

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Creating a GIF from a Sequence of PNGs

Question: When I use FFMPEG1 to convert a bunch of pngs to a GIF, it produces an ugly GIF (see the example script below and Figure 1). How do you use FFMPEG to convert a series of .png images to a high quality GIF in Windows? Example script (creates an ugly GIF):  ffmpeg.exe -r 20 -i HighQual_%6d.png -s:v 2152×1914 -f GIF ffmpeg_HighQual.gif     Solution: Both FFmpeg and ImageMagick convert2 can create […]

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Viewing Raster Metafiles With Framer

Background: Framer is an unsupported utility program that was included with discontinued versions of Tecplot 360. It allows you to view files stored in Raster Metafile format and runs independently of Tecplot 360. Raster Metafile is a NASA-defined standard format for storing bit images and may contain one or more images. The last version of Tecplot 360 that included framer.exe was Tecplot 360 2013. As Raster Metafiles (.rm) have become […]

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Off-screen Export Failed & Export Memory Problems

Problem: I receive the following error when exporting an image or video. “The off-screen image export failed. This may be caused by remote display issues with OpenGL…” Solution: Like the error message says, remote displays may cause issues with OpenGL. However, this error message can also appear whenever there are off-screen export failures downstream at the graphics card level. The graphics card usually rejects the off-screen export if the image/video […]

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Converting Raster Metafiles to AVI File Format

Problem: How do I convert raster metafiles to AVI movie file format? The last version of Tecplot 360 that included the rmtoavi.exe was Tecplot 360 2013. Additionally, framer.exe (Framer, the program used to view .rm files) is no longer distributed. As raster metafiles (.rm) have become less common, we no longer include this .rm file conversion in our product. However, we foresee rmtoavi being helpful to users with archives of […]

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Fixing Incorrectly Spaced Dashed Lines in EPS Format Export

Problem: When I export an image of my dashed XY plot as a .EPS file, the dash spacing is altered and irregular. Detailed Example Case: When I export the plot to eps file and open it, the patterns of the dashed and dash-dotted lines are inaccurate. The pattern interval is not uniform and sometimes the dot in the dash-dotted line vanishes. These are highlighted in red: Plot before exporting (correct […]

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Animation Export Size and Format Limitations

Problem: Windows Media Player (WMP) and PowerPoint cannot handle large .mp4 export files (image widths greater than 3000 pixels). Details: MP4 video animation export in Tecplot 360 (as of 2018.2.1) will display properly on Linux (using VLC), MacOS (QuickTime Player), and Windows (Windows Media Player, PowerPoint, and Web Viewer) with one exception: Windows Media Player and PowerPoint cannot handle MP4 image widths greater than 3000 pixels.   Solution: Exporting large WMV […]

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Use FFmpeg to create videos from PNGs

Problem: I want to create a movie file from a series of images that I export from Tecplot. Solution:  Tecplot 360 2018 R2.1 introduced the ability to export animations to a series of images. FFmpeg, which is bundled with Tecplot 360, has commands to convert a set of images into a video format. Here is an example command: ffmpeg.exe -framerate 40 -i image%9d.png -s:v 1024×910 -c:v libx264 -profile:v high -crf […]

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