In Tecplot 360, the Quick Macro Panel is a sidebar for playing your favorite or frequently-used macros. It initially appears docked to the right side of the main Tecplot 360 window, but like the other sidebars can be hidden from view. To display the Quick Macro Panel, select Scripting->Quick Macros.
Adding macros to the Quick Macro Panel in Tecplot 360 is useful for playing your favorite or frequently-used macros. The Quick Macro Panel is linked to a special macro file, tecplot.mcr that should contain only macro function definitions ($!MACROFUNCTION instructions). It is located in your Tecplot 360 installation folder.
The macro definitions having SHOWINMACROPANEL=TRUE appear in the Quick Macro Panel. For example, placing the macro function below in the tecplot.mcr file will make the “Announcement!” function appear in the Quick Macro Panel. The function when run will cause a dialog window to appear saying “THIS HAS BEEN A TEST!”.
$!MACROFUNCTION NAME = "Announcement!"