Animation is incomplete

Problem: I am creating an animation file with a macro but not all changes that I make to my plot appear in the animation. Solution: There are two possible solutions: For each plot change that should appear in your animation enter a $!RedrawAll command then an $!Export command. If you use any $!Drawgraphics commands be sure $!Drawgraphics = Yes is placed before the $!RedrawAll command.

Add streamtraces by IJK

Problem: Interactively I can specify streamtrace start positions by giving the IJK location within a zone. How do I do this in a macro? Solution: It is possible to define a streamtrace starting position using IJK coordinates in a macro if you use the $!GETFIELDVALUE command to get the XYZ coordinates for a IJK location. Heres some example macro code: ## These variables define the IJK starting position: $!VARSET |Istart| […]

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2D Probe calculation

Problem: What process does Tecplot use for probing? Also for streamtrace placement contour labeling linear interpolation and polyline extraction in 2D. Solution: In two dimensions Tecplot interpolates for dataset values at the chosen point using bilinear interpolation. For triangular cells, this is a straightforward interpolation of the three nodal values of the triangle that encloses the point:1. Determine the triangle that encloses the chosen point. 2. Determine the weighting to […]

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