How do I create radial and theta slices?

Radial slices Compute the equation: {R} = sqrt(X**2 + Y**2) in the Data -> Alter -> Specify Equations dialog.  Turn on iso-surfaces in the Plot Sidebar. Then display an iso-surface of constant R. Theta slices Compute the equation: {Theta} = atan2(X,Y) in the Data -> Alter -> Specify Equations dialog. Then display an iso-surface of constant Theta.  Note that due to a singularity at the origin you may get some strange shapes […]

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Calculating a New Variable

Creating a new variable or referencing a variable by name requires surrounding it in curly braces. Variables on the right side of equations may be referenced by two other methods:  First, by the variable index. Second is to use variable assignment letter codes. In this example, we’re using ‘u’ and ‘v’ which represent the variables assigned to the U and V vector components in Plot -> Vector -> Variables dialog.  […]

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Calculating Aerodynamic Forces and Moments

The most accurate forces and moments are normally those output by your flow solver, which knows details of your solution’s boundary conditions and can use modeling such as turbulent wall functions that Tecplot cannot. If your solver’s calculations are not available, you can use Tecplot’s Analyze/Perform Integration… option with the Forces and Moments integration type. There are cases where you want more control over the calculation, however, so this document […]

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Determining number of Cells in an Unblanked region

To determine the number of cells in an unblanked region, follow these steps: Define your region of interest by selecting Plot > Blanking > Value Blanking… to bring up the Value Blanking dialog to set your criteria. Anything that is blanked will be excluded in the following calculation. Once you have set your blanking criteria accordingly, generate the variable Cell Volume via the Analyze>Calculate Variables… menu and selecting it from […]

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How does Tecplot calculate cell or face-centered quantities?

Question: How does Tecplot calculate cell or face-centered quantities? Answer: Tecplot uses simple arithmetic averaging to calculate cell- (face-) centered quantities. Integrations are done using the trapezoidal method, which is second-order accurate. For each cell, the cell-centered value of the quantity being integrated (integrand) is multiplied by the volume of the cell, and the result is summed over all cells. If the integrand is node-centered, the cell-centered average is calculated […]

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Rounding data in Tecplot 360 or Focus

Problem: How can I quickly round data to a specified level of precision in Tecplot 360 or Focus? Solution: The “round” function can be used to round the values of a variable and either store the result in the existing variable or create a new variable. After loading your data, go to Data > Alter > Specify Equations and enter the following equation: {RoundedData} = round({Data}) In this example, a new variable […]

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Calculating the velocity magnitude in Tecplot 360 or Focus

Problem: How can I calculate the velocity magnitude in Tecplot 360 or Focus? Solution: There are two methods, which are described below: General method (works in Tecplot 360 and Focus) In this method, the mathematical definition of vector magnitude is entered and the calculated result is stored in a new variable.  After loading your data, do the following: Go to Data > Alter > Specify Equations and enter the following equation: {Velocity Magnitude} […]

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How to calculate the circulation around a vortex core.

Problem: I extracted a vortex core using the Tecplot CFD Analyzer, and now I want to calculate the circulation around the core. How can I do this? Solution: If you can define a closed path in your data over which to integrate, you can calculate circulation using the Integrate dialog. Open the dialog by choosing “Perform Integration” from the Analyze menu. In the Integrate dialog that appears, for Type of […]

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