Adding Macros to the Quick Macro Panel

In Tecplot 360, the Quick Macro Panel is a sidebar for playing your favorite or frequently-used macros. It initially appears docked to the right side of the main Tecplot 360 window, but like the other sidebars can be hidden from view. To display the Quick Macro Panel, select Scripting->Quick Macros. Adding macros to the Quick Macro Panel in Tecplot 360 is useful for playing your favorite or frequently-used macros. The […]

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How to Trim Triangulations

Question: How do I prevent the triangulation feature from spanning concave regions of my plot with triangles? Solution: Extracted polylines can be used as boundary zones to limit the triangulation. In particular, these polylines can be used to prevent triangles from spanning concave regions during 2D triangulations. The following procedure utilizes these polylines to trim a triangulation of unorganized data to the desired shape: 1) Load the data to be […]

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Viewing Raster Metafiles With Framer

Background: Framer is an unsupported utility program that was included with discontinued versions of Tecplot 360. It allows you to view files stored in Raster Metafile format and runs independently of Tecplot 360. Raster Metafile is a NASA-defined standard format for storing bit images and may contain one or more images. The last version of Tecplot 360 that included framer.exe was Tecplot 360 2013. As Raster Metafiles (.rm) have become […]

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Off-screen Export Failed & Export Memory Problems

Problem: I receive the following error when exporting an image or video. “The off-screen image export failed. This may be caused by remote display issues with OpenGL…” Solution: Like the error message says, remote displays may cause issues with OpenGL. However, this error message can also appear whenever there are off-screen export failures downstream at the graphics card level. The graphics card usually rejects the off-screen export if the image/video […]

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Calculate Swirl Strength

Problem: How do I calculate the Swirling Strength criterion (Lambda-Ci)? Solution: Use a Tecplot Macro to automate the calculation. Make sure Tecplot is aware of the variables representing your velocity field (Analyze->Field Variables menu).   The commands are as follow: Calculate the tensor of velocity gradients. This command can be obtained by recording the Analyze->Calculate Variables…->Velocity Gradient (tensor) action in Tecplot’s user interface (UI). $!EXTENDEDCOMMAND COMMANDPROCESSORID = ‘CFDAnalyzer4’ COMMAND = […]

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Derivation of Field Values in Slices and Iso-surfaces

The following discussion assumes the “Source Zone” is a volume zone (IJK, FE-Tetra, FE-Brick or polyhedral). For the most part the type of volume zone does not matter with one exception dealing with polyhedral source zones (see below). The manner for which data values are calculated for slices (or iso-surfaces) does however depend on the following: Value location for variables in the source zone Surface Generation Method (option in the […]

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Unique Iso-surfaces in Multiple Zones with Equal Variables

Problem: How do I create iso-surfaces, exclusive to each zone, for the same iso-surface variable? As seen in Figure 1, Tecplot 360 will create iso-surfaces in both volume zones for the Mach variable because both zones contain this variable. What can be done if one iso-surface is to be seen in one zone, but not the other zone? Solution: Essentially, this procedure duplicates and renames a variable to each zone […]

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Weighted versus Arithmetic Averages and Tecplot

Question: Why is there a difference in Tecplot’s integration average results and the average, or mean, I am calculating over all the data values? Example:  I have nodal data and I want to calculate average U velocity on the following domain (see Figure 1). When I use the integration average feature (Analyze>Perform Integration…>Average>U), I calculate 38.90 m/s. But when I calculate the average over all the nodal U values in […]

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Converting Raster Metafiles to AVI File Format

Problem: How do I convert raster metafiles to AVI movie file format? The last version of Tecplot 360 that included the rmtoavi.exe was Tecplot 360 2013. Additionally, framer.exe (Framer, the program used to view .rm files) is no longer distributed. As raster metafiles (.rm) have become less common, we no longer include this .rm file conversion in our product. However, we foresee rmtoavi being helpful to users with archives of […]

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Verifying Surface Normals in Integral Calculations

Problem: How do I verify the direction of my unit surface normal vectors to make the correct integrations? If my surface normals point in an inconsistent direction from one timestep to another, how do I correct the value of my integral? From the User’s Manual: “Integrations involving surface unit normals, such as Mass Flow Rate, and Forces and Moments integration, rely on surface unit normals pointing in a consistent direction. […]

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